S'mores Pie Bonbons


S’mores Pie Bonbons. Yes, you just heard those three words correctly and they are quite possibly the best bite-sized bundle of ooey gooey summer lovin' that ever was. And these aren't your typical slapped together S'more, no way! Think chocolate crème filling, crunchy graham cookie pieces, toasted marshmallow meringue plus afresh-from-the-oven vanilla cookie crumb crust packed into one hard shell chocolate-coated bite. And if that's not good enough - you don't even need to bake a pie...or build a campfire for that matter. Amen! 

We're filling these homemade hard shelled chocolates with thaw and serve Edwards Hershey’s S’mores Crème Pie. Which takes the stress out of an otherwise complicated treat. Bonbons are technically a piece of candy covered with chocolate, so we're taking it next level in the name of National S'mores Day and giving you a candy coated piece of pie that will have you wishing it was summer vacation all year long.


Even though we want to just pop these perfect pie bite cuties straight into our mouths - try serving up a trio of bonbons on a cute skewer for hand held dessert perfect for summer entertaining. We did a combo dip of gourmet white and dark chocolate for a pop of personality and a decadently dipped experience. This is the perfect dessert idea to enjoy anywhere from your backyards to the beachside...just make sure you've got them in the cooler! 

Quick tip on getting your bonbons onto a stick - heat up the tip of your metal grilling skewer with a lighter and quickly poke through the hard chocolate shell while still hot. This will prevent any extra force that could potentially crack your candy coating!

Want to skewer in style? Head on over to grab our DIY party skewer tutorial and make these desserts extra dazzling!

Now...let's bonbon...

- S'mores Pie Bonbons -Makes approx. 20-25 bonbon chocolates



  • EDWARDS® HERSHEY'S S'mores Crème Pie

    1. 1 pound melting chocolate (white, milk chocolate or dark - you can even make a batch of each)

    2. Graham cracker crumbs and toasted marshmallows for topping (optional)



Create a double boiler by placing a large glass bowl over a pot of simmering water. Do not allow bowl to touch water level. Stir constantly until chocolate melts and becomes silky without any lumps. Using your drizzle spoon, carefully fill each bonbon cavity with melted chocolate. Allow to sit 30-60 seconds and immediately dump extra chocolate back into your bowl.

Disclaimer: Chocolate making is messy. Just go for it - put that apron on, roll up your sleeves and get ready for a fun sticky situation. It's nothing a little hot water and soap can't clean up at the end of your Willy Wonka moment. 


All sides of the bonbon molds should be completely covered with a chocolate wall and room for a scoop of filling in the center - if too thin, do a second coating of chocolate and repeat steps above. If too full, immediately shake mold upside down a second time. Allow chocolate to fully harden on the countertop before filling, about 20-30 minutes. Using a bench scraper, wipe away any extra chocolate drippings that might be on top or spilling out of your individual molds.


Using the smallest size of your melon baller, scoop out spheres of your frozen EDWARDS ® HERSHEY’S* S’mores Crème Pie. Carefully place one pie ball into the center of each bonbon mold, making sure that there is still room at the top for your chocolate cap. Immediately pour melted chocolate into each bonbon cavity, filling to top and tap on counter to release any air bubbles. Using bench scraper, remove any extra chocolate from top of mold. Allow to harden on the counter for an hour, or until bonbons are easily released from mold either by taping upside down on the counter, or gently squeezing the sides.

Store in the refrigerator in a sealed container for up to a week. Enjoy alone or on a skewer topped with roasted marshmallow and graham cracker crumbles! For a quick roasted marshmallow without a campfire, use your culinary torch to caramelize and blacken individual marshmallows on a skewer and allow to cool slightly before topping on bonbon.


100% worth the work, which isn't that much work at all since our filling is coming straight out of the freezer and into our hollow chocolate shells. It's a texture-filled playground with the hard shell crunch and decadent pie filling that is creamy with a surprising marshmallow sponge not to mention a bit of that cookie crust crumble. These treats totally will make you re-think the typical S'more from here on out!

Ready to give it a go!? Let's make the deal even sweeter: You can currently get a discount off of Edwards Single Serve Pie Packs, which are perfect for smaller get-togethers, or if you want to indulge in a little me time without the risk of downing a whole pie! Visit the product locator to find Edwards Crème Pies in the freezer aisle of a store near you.


This content has been sponsored by EDWARDS®Desserts. Thank you for supporting our partnerships with quality brands like this that allow dine x design to continue producing the original content you love.