Fashion Feast: Rhubarb Glazed Strawberry Ice Cream Sandwich With Dehydrated Berry Dust

Rhubarb Glazed Strawberry Ice Cream Sandwiches With Berry Dust Summer is in full swing and nothing sounds better than a cold afternoon treat in the shade. Specifically, a frosty  ice cream sandwich straight out of the neighborhood truck.

We're huge fans (and inhalers) of the traditional cookie and ice milk varieties, oatmeal  vanilla or double chocolate chip always satiate like edible air conditioning. But we thought it would be more fun to get a little mad scientist in our kitchen lab and come up with a new concept...fashionable frozen treats inspired by our friend's Australian footwear line Radical Yes!

We know what you're thinking. Shoes and ice cream sandwiches...Really?


In fact, so much yes that we've set out to make the most radical (and stylish) dessert sammies you've ever seen. Oh, and they're really tasty to boot (no pun intended...actually, totally intended).

Radical Yes | Smiley Smile Bootie In Latte | Dine X Design

Smiley Smile Bootie In Latte | Radical Yes!
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When initially brainstorming the challenge to make a treat as unique and equally awesome as these Radical Yes! Booties, visions of patterns, texture...aaand summertime strawberry shortcake  popped into our brains. Obviously.

Translating the pattern of these shoes onto the cookies was top priority and pulverizing dehydrated berries into a dust seemed like the perfect shock of color (and flavor) we were looking for...and what better excuse to adhere said powder with a tart rhubarb glaze? Absolutely a yes moment.

These ice cream sandwiches are as balanced as they are beautiful. The tartness of the berry dust and rhubarb glaze is mellowed by the sweetness of the strawberry ice cream and strawberry shortbread cookies. And just look at them! Playful picnic anyone?

Hot pink and ready to party - Not to mention visual stunners, just like the booties.


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Rhubarb Glazed Strawberry Ice Cream Sandwich 
With Dehydrated Berry Dust
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Cookie ingredients:

1/2 cup vegan shortening (we used nutivia organic - but it can be replaced with any vegan or regular vegetable shortening  )
1 cup sugar
3 tbs milk
2 eggs pre-beaten
2   1/4 cups flour mixed with 1/2 cup freeze dried strawberries pulverized to dust in a food processor 
1/2 teaspoon salt,
1   1/2 teaspoons baking powder
Mix each ingredient in order as listed, roll into ball, cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight
Next day - Roll out dough until flat with a generous dusting of flour on your board, rolling pin and dough ball
Use a 4'' round cutter to shape cookies
Place rounds on baking sheet and bake at 375 for about 15 min
Radical Yes | Rhubarb Glazed Strawberry Ice Cream Sandwiches | Dine X Design
The Awakening Bootie In Petal | Radical Yes

We are obsessed with these fashionable frozen treats and these super comfy booties (no really, we've clocked in 17+ miles around Melbourne in them and my feet were still feeling pretty and alive at the end of the day). Needless to say, they are a shoe staple that you need to add into your life pronto.

Check out the full line of Radical Yes! Booties over on their online store (and YES! they ship to the US). Keep tabs on all things radical by visiting their  tumbler page and catch a look behind the scenes as well as new styles over on instagram.

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Finishing Touches
Rhubarb glaze:
  • Rhubarb syrup: bring 1 cup chopped rhubarb, 1 cup water & 1 cup sugar to a boil. Reduce heat to low and simmer for 25 minutes or until soft. Drain with  fine mesh into a bowl, keeping only the liquids. Note: Extra pulp can be used for delicious tart fillings!
  • Add warm reserved rhubarb syrup to_powdered sugar, mix well and brush glaze onto fresh baked cookies with a pastry brush.
Freeze dried berry dust:
  •  Place 1/2 cup of freeze dried berries (black berries or raspberries) into a food processor with 1/2 tsp powder sugar, pulse until fine.
  • Sprinkle over cookie and glaze with sieve as desired. We created a custom stencil designed to look like the patterns on these Radical Yes Booties. 

Ice cream:

  • We particularly love this hack to achieving the perfectly structured ice cream sandwich filling. We also suggest using a fresh strawberry flavor with fruit chunks.

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Are you going to make some pretty pattern sammies this summer? Or have you experimented with freeze dried berries? We want to hear other ways on how to use this delicious dust below!

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Creative Direction Kristin Guy
Photography by Danae Horst