Holiday Entertaining: Three-Course Appetizer & Prosecco Pairing


Autumn is in full swing and with holiday season quickly approaching, there is no excuse more than ever to start hosting get-togethers. One of the best ways to toast to the season is with an inspired happy hour right at home - who needs to worry about a full course meal when you can prepare light bites and drink pairings that will impress no matter the size of the gathering! One of my favorite (not to mention most celebratory) ways to share unique flavors and sips is with a appetizer and Prosecco pairing. You can get incredibly innovative with flavors when preparing festive apps.

I've whipped up some pretty lux bites that are actually a cinch to pull off - and no one will be the wiser! Are you ready to be host of the year!? Well get that invite list ready and break out those cute linen cocktail napkins and crystal coupes, because I've got the rundown on everything you need for an extravagant (yet easy) Three Course Appetizer & Prosecco Pairing below.

Cheers to inviting over loved ones and celebrating the season in style!


Sparkling Wine: Pour The Elegance of Prosecco Superiore D.O.C.G

For this particular party, we're pouringProsecco Superiore from the Conegliano Valdobbiadene region of Italy. These wines are handcrafted from family-operated vineyards and incredibly food-friendly. Their fine, elegantly light bubbles make any occasion big or small (weeknight or weekend) feel extra special and we've selected three different wines to compliment and elevate our seasonal pairing menu below - plus we're giving you a few tasting notes to share on the day of your event to guide your guests through a one of a kind flavor experience.


Menu: Serve Big Holiday Flavors In Tiny Packages

Autumn and the holiday season are an especially exciting time to come up with flavor pairings. Spices, seasonal produce and a touch of unexpected elegance make each of these small bites incredibly festive... and I promise pretty effortless to pull off. Each three of these appetizers are showstoppers, it's hard for me to pick a favorite and they each paired perfectly with each sip of Prosecco Superiore. This is definitely a menu that I would use to elevate any occasion from autumn through the holidays and into the New Year - Cheers!


First Course: Smoked Pumpkin Foam & Caviar paired with Conte Collalto Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore Spumante Gaio Extra Dry

Pumpkin infused with the smoky heat of chipotle and savory cumin spices gets a bit of a fresh facelift when whipped into a light and airy foam. Heat from the chilies is cooled by a dot of Crème Fraîche and finished with an exciting wave of briny caviar. It is a complicated bite packed with flavor that is still light and refreshing.

We paired this fluffy fall bite with an Extra Dry* Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore from producer Conte Collalto, which has a generous yet delicate bouquet of ripe apple and pear that is crisp and pairs excellently with fish and vegetable tapas. We've combined both those flavor profiles into this unique layered bite that starts of the occasion with a major WOW!

*In this region “Extra Dry” is actually a medium dry expression. The levels range from brut, extra dry and dry, in order of driest to sweetest. Which is great to keep in mind while shopping and pairing! 


- Smoked Pumpkin Foam With Crème Fraîche & Caviar -

Makes 6 - 8  appetizers


  • Heaping ⅓ cup pumpkin puree

    1. 1 TBS Chipotle Chili Powder

    2. 1 TBS cumin

    3. ½ tsp onion powder

    4. 1 tsp chili powder

    5. Pinch dried oregano

    6. Ground salt & Pepper to taste

    7. ½ cup Whipping cream (+1 TBS if texture is too thick)

    8. Seed Crackers

    9. Crème Fraîche & Caviar for topping


In a bowl mix pumpkin puree, spices and whipping cream until smooth. Consistency should not have any clumps and be very silky smooth. Add a touch more cream if texture is too thick. Place into a whipping canister, with lid screwed on tight into your refrigerator for at least 1 - 2 hours before serving (can be done ahead of time and placed in fridge overnight). 

Follow the guidelines to your particular whipping canister, filling with C02 and charging as appropriate. Dispense a small about of foam on top of your cracker. Dollop with Crème Fraîche & Caviar and serve immediately.


Second Course: Herbed Mascarpone Yam Canapés with Pickled Cranberries paired with Bortolomiol ‘Bandarossa’ Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore D.O.C.G. Extra Dry Millesimato Prosecco Superiore D.O.C.G.

If you could squeeze Thanksgiving dinner into one bite, I think this is it! A roasted yam canapé topped with velvety herb infused mascarpone, takes a curve ball of excitement when topped with pickled cranberries. These cranberries should become a staple to your holiday arsenal - brined in holiday spices such as juniper, clove and cinnamon it truly is a stunning pop (literally) of vibrant zest when layered on top of creamy mascarpone mixed with sage and thyme.

We served this canapé with "Bandarossa" an Extra Dry Prosecco Superiore from the acclaimed Bortolomiol family, which has a sweetish, well-balanced and velvety bouquet that pairs excellently with the combination of savory roasted vegetable and fruit. Voilà!

- Grab the recipe for these pickled cranberries here -


Third Course: Individual Baked Brie Topped with Honey & Seasonal Fruit paired with Andreola ‘Dirupo’ Valdobbiadene Brut Prosecco Superiore D.O.C.G.

For our final course we turn to my favorite dessert: cheese. And where baked brie has become a house party staple, we've elevated the experience with an individual baked brie so elegant it's almost too gorgeous to eat...almost.

We paired this indulgent bite with Dirupo, a Brut Prosecco Superiore from Andreola, which has a dry yet velvety taste and scents of rose, citrus, acacia and peach. Where this delightfully creamy sip would pair with almost anything, it is particularly decadent when accompanied by the nutty and grassy flavors of camembert laced with fresh fruit, honey and pistachios. The perfect way to end an opulently flavored occasion!


 - Individual Baked Brie Topped With Honey & Seasonal Fruit  -


  • Individually sized camembert

    1. Fresh Figs & Grapes (substitute with any season fruit depending on time of year)

    2. Honey & Pistachios for topping


Pre-heat oven to 350F. Top camembert with chopped fresh figs and grapes. Drizzle with honey and bake for 5-7 minutes. Top with chopped pistachio, additional honey and edible flowers. 


This content has been sponsored by Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore D.O.C.G. Thank you for supporting our partnerships with quality brands like this that allow dine x design to continue producing the original content you love.

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